Sacred & Sovereign
You’re new favorite podcast for highly practical tools to help you stay centered no matter what’s happening around you & raw conversations about creating a life that feels sacred while being firmly rooted in your sovereignty.
Made for women who desire extraordinary lives & are ready to redefine success, motherhood & what it means to have it all.
Get ready to binge weekly episodes featuring solo deep dives & interviews with world-class experts to help you feel more present in every area of your life, more intentional in your choices and more connected to your power.
Elizabeth has been featured in:
Ready to rewrite the rules of motherhood and womanhood from the inside out?
Then you’re in the right place.
If you've checked off all the boxes of what it means to be successful and you still feel like something is missing, you're in the right place. Welcome to Sacred & Sovereign. I'm Elizabeth Brett, NBC reporter turned sacred ceremonialist & soul purpose mentor on a mission to build a tribe of deeply satisfied mamas.
The current way we measure success misses one key element: our soul nourishment. We’re left feeling depleted, resentful, numb, and unfulfilled by these lives we’ve worked so hard to create. Let’s explore what it looks like to throw out the old model & create a new one, with our soul satisfaction in the center.
This podcast is for you if you're a seeker... you're not willing to settle for a boring or comfortable life but are ready to rewrite the rules of womanhood & motherhood from the inside out.
We'll dive into topics like sacred feminine practices, conscious motherhood, reconnecting to our bodies, reinvention, remembering ancient wisdom, breaking free of cultural cages... basically questioning & reimagining anything and everything we’ve been taught about being a woman in today’s world.
And I’m here to tell you creating a deeply satisfying life is simpler than you think. It's not about blowing up your current one, but about turning inward, reconnecting to your sovereignty & creating a more sacred, intentional life.
Let’s dive in…
CATCH UP on the latest
just released
just released --
Episode 6: The Truth about Manifesting & Ordained Timing with Sacha Sterling
Episode 8: The Return of the Priestess: Reclaiming Feminine Leadership & Ancient Wisdom
Episode 7: Why You’re Exhausted Even Though You Have Everything You Wanted
Meet your host
I’m Elizabeth. When I stumbled onto the path of soul-led motherhood, I was a stay-at-home-mom who had everything I’d ever wanted on paper, but felt numb, trapped, overwhelmed and depleted. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted, only who I was supposed to be and what I had been taught I should want.
Soul nourishment, community, and a sacred feminine mentor slowly brought me back to life. For the last several years I’ve been on a transformative inward journey of deep remembrance and rooting into my sovereignty & creating a sacred, juicy, deeply satisfying life as a result. It would be my deepest honor to guide you back to your sovereignty too…
My mission is to show you how to take radical responsibility for your life so you can feel more connected, intentional and present in every aspect of your life.