

You are centered & calm in a soul-deep way and everybody feels it.

Take a moment to imagine with me…

It’s 6 months from today…

You’re looking back IN AWE of what you’ve shifted in your life, and how you’ve become the Queen of your domain.

Knowing how to get your needs met while taking care of everyone else? Has become normalized.

Like… you feel so deeply nourished & rooted in your power that you are nurturing your kids from a place of overflow… you even have more energy to put toward your partnership, which makes it more sparkly & FUN.

You’re having the time of your life creating your weekly schedule because it includes a new devotion to things that TURN YOU ON…

And perhaps most exciting?

You feel wayyy less emotionally fragile… and the peace you feel?

Is even better than you imagined because you know exactly how to return to it no matter how much chaos is surrounding you (even at 6:30pm on a weeknight when everyone is just DONE being human for the day & you still have to get through bedtime routines) .


Why It Works
The way I hold space for you and your desires is why this mentorship leads to real transformation. It’s not just about short-term wins—it’s about deep, lasting change that continues to grow and evolve over time.

This is a high-end mentorship because of the deep, hands-on support I offer.

Exactly how my 1:1 mentorship is designed to support you in creating the life you’re craving:

Most women want their lives to feel different but believe they have to stay stuck or figure it out alone.

Here’s the truth: When you’re building a new vision for your life and stepping into the woman you’re meant to be, you need more support than ever.

I’m with you—not just cheering you on, but co-creating next steps and holding space for your dreams.

This isn’t just about strategy or surface-level change.

In this unique container, I guide you through:

Sacred self-discovery.
Deep self-trust.
Transformative shifts in your life, relationships, and motherhood.
This work honors your soul, your unique desires, and your vision for the life you were made for.

you’ll receive…

  • Weekly Support. Not only will we have weekly sessions where we get laser focused on what needs to shift, we dive into any shadow work or resistance that’s coming up, and we continue to clarify what you’re needing to release and reclaim in order to create the life you’re longing for.

    I simplify what you’re navigating and we map out your next steps. I hold space for you to rise & fully own your power. I reflect back what you are choosing and why. It’s potent mentorship, sacred sisterhood, and safe space to bring all of yourself into. It’s powerful conversations where we sit soul to soul. These sessions lead to real transformation & results.

  • Access to a private Slack channel to stay connected between sessions. You also have direct access to me Monday-Thursday in our private Slack channel. We might need to make a quick shift to your sacred strategy, chat about a specific situation at home or work, figure out how to gracefully add or subtract something from your calendar, or map out a difficult conversation about boundaries– whatever it is, I’ve got you.

  • PLUS the sprinkles on top! My gift to you for diving deep into this 1:1 container? If you want to plug into any group trainings- you got it. You get full access to any group programs I offer during our mentorship.

Did I mention you can add an exclusive in-person 2 day retreat? At any point in our journey if you know you’re ready to take this mentorship to the next level, you can book a 2-day in-person retreat with me in Austin, TX. I only offer this to my 1:1 mentorship clients who know they are ready for profound transformation.

This type of mentorship is rare. It’s my soul work & so close to my heart.

The lives of my clients are changed in this space. I’m forever changed by my clients in this space.

I love it when a client’s eyes suddenly light up because they can SEE a blind spot for the first time…

or when a client is positively giddy because her new choices in her mothering mean she’s having SO MUCH MORE FUN with her littles, and feels more connected to her partner as a bonus…

Or how I get to guide my clients back to their inner knowing so they get crystal clear on what they want… not just as a mom or a wife, not just in their work or for self-care, but ALL of it comes into focus. 

You’re meant to be in this space if you desire to be seen and supported as a whole woman, in your authentic desires, your imperfection & your soul knowing… even in your doubts & discomfort.

You’re meant to be in this space if you want someone to celebrate all the wins with you- big & small… and stay the course when it’s not easy.

You’re meant to be in this space if you’re done playing small & you’re ready to rewrite the rules of womanhood from the inside out… you’re ready for someone to activate you & call you to rise into the fullest, most powerful & most alive version of you.

You’ll be amazed how much can shift in 6 months.

this mentorship is for you if…

  • You feel like there must be more to life & are ready to transform. You have this sense that life is meant to be more magical, more exciting. You feel like you’re looking for something but you don’t know what it is.

  • You know it’s time to focus on yourself. You’re a busy mom or partner who puts everyone else’s needs first, and you feel like your needs are pushed so far down you can’t even remember what they are sometimes.

  • You like being held accountable to what matters most. You know that the. biggest shifts happen in your life when you have someone to hold you accountable to what you say you want.

  • You’re ready to step into your full power. You’re done playing small and are ready to. look at how you’ve been playing by other people’s rules instead of creating a life that’s truly yours.

  • You know you’re called to deepen with me. You and I are connected for a reason, and you know it. You’re feeling a soul nudge that it’s time and you’re eager to work with me to create change the next six months.

  • You’re longing for deep, non-judgemental container where you can bring ALL of you. You’re sick of coaches who only focus on business or mothering or spirituality & you’re ready for someone who can see your life holistically.

I’m a FULL BODY YES to 1:1 sacred mentoring!

the investment:

or six monthly payments of:



the next step:

*I take my time to make sure each woman is a perfect fit for this 1:1 mentorship. The next step is to schedule a call with me where we will have an in-depth chat about your current life, where you feel stuck, depleted, frustrated, what your goals are, what keeps you from making changes and what type of support you are looking for. I want to really understand what’s real for you, and then I will tell you exactly what needs to shift, what we will focus on and what we will create together when you join. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you still have questions and would like to hop on a 20-minute exploration call with Elizabeth, just hop over to here and fill out the contact form. I’d love to connect with you!

  • Once you sign up you'll receive a link to schedule sessions that connects directly to Elizabeth's calendar so you can choose the time that works best for you.

  • We will make sure that we find times that work for you. Just email or text Elizabeth and she'll provide more options that work within your windows of availability.

  • The 1:1 mentoring sessions are offered through Zoom. However, if you are both in Austin {not traveling} and you would prefer to meet in person, that is often possible! Just ask...

  • If you KNOW you want to be with Elizabeth for a 2-day intensive while signing up for your six month mentoring, we’ll be sure to get that scheduled right away.

    You can also add this at any time during the six months.

    Elizabeth will be happy to discuss all the juicy details about what this includes & the cost.