it’s time to awaken your inner

wise woman

It’s that time of year again. The time to slow down, to simplify, and to get clear on what really matters to you.

What if I told you in just two hours you could shift how you show up for the rest of 2024?

Your inner wise woman is calling, can you hear her?

What if I told you that you carry the wisdom of your ancestors in your DNA and that it’s time for you to slow down and listen? What if I told you that the practice of actually being able connect with your inner Wise Woman could revolutionize your life?

We have lost our connection to the seasons, to nature.

We have forgotten what our ancestors knew- that in these darker months, it’s not time to jam parties & presents & trips into every nook & cranny… it’s actually time to slow down and turn inward.

We have forgotten that we crave time to sit soul to soul with other women and just BE instead of constantly go go going.

Join me for Wise Woman: a sacred ceremony to awaken the wisdom you carry in your DNA & reclaim simplicity. We’ll gather at my home in Austin on November 12th from 7-9pm as we reimagine, together, what it means to nourish our souls with simplicity & sacred sisterhood.

No to-do lists. No complications… just an embodied experience of how to BE more present & rooted this November. Reconnecting with your inner wisdom

Join me for wise woman if…

  • You’re overwhelmed and feel like you don’t have any time for yourself. You’re a busy mom or partner who puts everyone else’s needs first, and you feel like your needs are pushed so far down you can’t even remember what they are sometimes.

  • You’re exhausted just thinking about the holiday season. All the parties, all the presents, all the extended family! Will it ever end? Every year you tell yourself you’ll do a better job planning so you don’t get so overwhelmed… but you never do. You’re ready for a new approach, new tools & less frazzle.

  • You’re longing for time to slow down and be in sacred space. Your life is super busy and yet somehow things keep getting added to your calendar and your to-do list. You just don’t make enough time for yourself to reflect and turn inward. Setting aside two hours to slow down feels almost naughty.

  • You feel like there must be more to life. You have this sense that life is meant to be more magical, more exciting. You feel like you’re looking for something but you don’t know what it is.

  • You feel lost, like you don’t know who you are or what you want. As a teenager, you had big, beautiful dreams, but now you’re feeling stuck in the status quo, bored and sometimes you wonder if you even chose this version of your life or if it just happened to you. You’re ready to learn how to live more intentionally.

  • You’re longing for deep, non-judgemental connection with likeminded women. You are ready to find your soul tribe, women who are also on a path of remembrance, who are ready to hold you and be held by you as they embark on the journey.

What Women Are Saying

Let’s remember together.

January wasn’t traditionally a time of year to start over, to add 18 more self-improvement tasks to your already full to-do list… our ancestors recognized deep winter as a time to slow down. Days with less light meant less time for doing, and more time for being. We would spend more time indoors, out of the cold. We would use the time to be with family, stay warm by the fire, learn from each other, read, cook, and rest.

January is the heart of winter, and while much can be brewing this time of year, it’s typically under the surface {like a plant rooting down before it rises to the surface}… it wouldn’t traditionally be a time to make a lot of big decisions and take a lot of big action. So, I’d like to bring us back into harmony with the natural rhythms that our bodies are so longing for… the slowing down, the time to root down into the richness of what is, and a time to simply be.

If you have never been in a sacred ceremony with me before, I am so grateful that you are considering joining us and I want you to know there is no right or wrong way to experience it.

At her heart, ceremony is a way to go deeper inward, to explore your true self, and to come together in sisterhood. We will use rituals and meditations that may seem very familiar to you. They are not new. They are ancient, passed down for thousands of years. Some-- like anointing-- you've likely heard mentioned (Christ, for example, was called "the anointed one"). Some elements you may have experienced and some you may not have, but you might find that they feel familiar anyway, like a deep remembering.

Each ceremony is rooted in ritual from my training as a guide in the 13 Moon Mystery School. We will be tuning into a specific frequency that includes certain colors, scents, mantras, tools, sacred geometry and group rituals… once you sign up, you’ll get all the juicy details including what to wear and more on what to expect.

let’s finish 2024 feeling

Rooted, Sacred, and Whole

start by slowing down

Let’s leave all of our to-do lists and kids activities and family dynamics outside the space so we can come fully present and reconnect with our soul knowing. This is a feeling you can revisit anytime.

root into the power of your presence

Sit in sacred circle with other women who are discovering their soul journey. We simply allow ourselves to be truly seen and held, witnessing each other on our unique paths.

sit in sacred sisterhood

For two sacred hours this November, let’s stop rushing. Let’s take time to simply slow down and drop inward. In sacred ceremony, there is no need to prove anything or be anything.

Yes, I’m ready to be in sacred ceremony!

November 15th, 7pm-9pm


sacred agreements

{we enter into these to create a safe, deeply transformative ceremonial space}

  • Enter with an open heart. There is no “right way” to do ceremony. The most important thing you can do is simply continue to fully open yourself the the experience as it unfolds.

  • Empty into Full Presence. Dropping out of the mind, moving away from the knowing, and into the body. Please be willing to not “know” with the mind, instead staying in the present moment, with an empty mind. We often drift and will need to come back to full presence over and over. This is perfectly human.

  • Speak with your Soul Voice. Allowing the mind to quiet, we can speak from wisdom that is deeper within… This is a key to our practice and requires a willingness to feel and hear the difference between your Soul Voice and the voice we typically use from our minds. We start by feeling into where the words are coming from with no judgement; just building an awareness.

  • Sit as Sacred Witness. Just as we do not judge ourselves in this space, we do not judge others. We are here to hold the position of the sacred witness of each being’s transformation: there is no need to fix, change or advise anyone. This is also an invitation to share your feelings and deeper insights into the sacred circle to be fully witnessed.

  • Honor Self-authority. You do not need to ask permission of anyone during the ceremony, we are a circle of equals. You KNOW what is true for you. This is an invitation not to partake in any practice that does not feel in alignment with your soul knowing and to add anything that your soul is longing for; a song, a chant, movement, an inquiry.

  • Everything that is shared during a sacred ceremony is confidential. We do not share anything unless we have specific permission from the one who has shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A sacred ceremony, whether in a group or 1:1 with Elizabeth, is a sacred space where deep devotion occurs.

    Here, we are devoted to reconnecting each woman to her inner knowing so she can reclaim her sacred self and recreate her life as a ceremony.

    We are deeply devoted to the practice of death, rebirth and life, using sacred feminine archetypes to explore these cycles in our own lives. It is experiential, embodied divinity.

  • There is profound power in gathering with other women to do this deep inner work. There is beauty in being witnessed on your journey inward, and in being able to witness others. There is ease in stepping into a safe, sacred space knowing that no one is here to judge you or be competitive, simply to honor you and seeing you fully exactly as you are in the moment.

    My number one “job” as a certified temple guide is to hold the sacred space and ensure each woman feels safe, seen and loved. This is why we take a vow to uphold sacred agreements before entering. And it’s one of the reasons you’ve likely never experienced anything like it before.

  • In short, no. We welcome people of all religious backgrounds and do not prescribe any religious beliefs. The goal is to deepen your relationship with your own soul here.

  • If you have never been in a sacred ceremony with me before, I want you to know there is no right or wrong way to experience it. We are all learning together and your presence is such a gift.

    At her heart, sacred ceremony is a way to go deeper inward, to explore your true self, and to come together in sisterhood. We will use rituals and meditations that may seem very familiar to you. They are not new. They are ancient, passed down for thousands of years. Some-- like anointing-- you've likely heard mentioned (Christ, for example, was called "the anointed one"). Some elements you may have experienced and some you may not have, but you might find that they feel familiar anyway, like a deep remembering.

  • No, these sacred ceremonies are a wonderful alternative for those who want to experience deep transformation without plant medicine. We are devoted to deeper gnosis through pure consciousness and total availability to the present moment. As such, we do not use anything that would alter our consciousness during rituals including plant medicine or psychadelics.

  • If you still have questions and would like to hop on a 20-minute exploration call with Elizabeth, just hop over to here and fill out the contact form. I’d love to connect with you!