Welcome to the Soul Voice Temple
discover your soul voice, trust your inner knowing and come home to yourself
Here, the only request is that you enter with an open heart.
Come, join me as we enter this sacred space, together. It’s time to slow down. To turn inward. To learn how to trust yourself on a cellular level.
Using sacred tools passed down for thousands of years, we can come together and remember. Remember what our grandmothers’ grandmothers knew. We can bring ancient wisdom into modern times and use it to be more present, live more fully, and come home to ourselves, our lineages, and our truth.
You do not have to prove anything here. This is not a space where you are trying to cross any finish line faster than the next person. This is a deeply intimate turn inward. An inward journey spiraling down deeper into self to find the wisdom and divinity that was always there, waiting. This is your heroine’s journey.
Each person’s journey is different and perfect in its uniqueness. Here, you will be encouraged to follow your own journey, at your own perfect pace. You will be met exactly where you are, with no judgement.
I’m your guide, Elizabeth Brett, and I’m here to help you remember…
As a culture, we’ve been taught to look outward for answers, turning to experts, coaches, doctors to figure out the next right steps. What if, instead, we remember how to turn inward to listen to our own inner knowing first… to value our own wisdom above anyone else’s? What if we start shaping our lives based on the truth of our own soul voice?
For the last several years I’ve been on a deeply transformative inward journey of discovering my own soul voice. It would be my deepest honor to guide you in finding yours…

It’s time to remember…
How to drop out of your mind…
This is the first step in reconnecting with your soul knowing.
How to fully open to your own wisdom…
Tapping into this lost art is easier than you think.
How to honor your own soul voice…
Letting it become the guide for your choices, big and small.
How to create an intentional life…
Based on your soul’s deepest desires and in alignment with your truth.
Join me in the Soul Voice Temple
Soul Voice Sessions
These 1-on-1 coaching sessions are unorthodox, sacred connections where I help you find your way back to your soul voice, a place you can return to time and again.
Temple Gatherings
Join an intimate circle of women as we gather monthly in sacred space to dive deeply into different sacred feminine archetypes and learn together how to reveal more of each woman’s soul voice.
Archetypal Anointing
We use the ancient art of anointing to bring you into deeper resonance with a specific sacred feminine archetype and deepen into your soul voice through this powerful practice of reclaiming your body as a sacred vessel of truth.
what women are saying
“I was called to join Elizabeth in temple because of her beautiful heart. Her energy & spirit are so deep and loving that I trusted her to create a safe space, and I knew whatever she created I wanted to be a part of. I loved being anointed with oil on our hearts, and envisioning our ancestors. I left with a real sense of connection to myself and the other women.”
“Elizabeth encouraged me to come without expectation, so I did. She guided us with her total presence, warmth and fierceness. I loved the sense of connection created so quickly with the other women in this sacred temple and how deep the shares were. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I will definitely return!”
“I was blown away by all of the tiny details… how prepared Elizabeth was, how she held us all with such presence and such devoted intention. She held the space in such a profound sacredness tonight, Would I come to another temple? YES!”
“Elizabeth is truly using her voice and her whole being exactly as it was meant to be. It is clear that every experience she’s been to has led her to this and that holding temples for women is in perfect alignment with her soul’s calling.”