The path to your soul voice is waiting for you.
Soul Voice Temple Gatherings
{intimate gatherings at my home temple in Austin, TX}
Join an intimate circle of women as we gather in sacred space to dive deeply into different sacred feminine archetypes and learn together how to reveal more of each woman’s soul voice. Feel the power and revolutionary energy of sitting in sacred circle with other women, soul to soul.
We pratice with sacred tools such as anointing, guided meditation, embodied divinity, inner alchemy, sacred dance and sacred song. The archetypes we explore are from the 13 Moon Mystery School. There are 13 archetypes explored throughout the year, each an access point to your inner knowing and soul voice. These gatherings are the lifeblood of the temple.
Soul Voice Session
{single session, online or in person}
This 1-on-1 session is an unorthodox, sacred remembrance and reconnection where I help you find your way back to your soul voice, a deep inner knowing you can return to time and again. Think of it as an introduction to the sacred practice of listening to and recognizing your truth.
Architypal Anointing
{sacred anointing at my home temple}
We use the ancient art of anointing to bring you into deeper intimacy with yourself through a specific sacred feminine archetype. We deepen into your soul voice through this powerful practice of reclaiming your body as a sacred vessel of truth. Each session is completely customized to meet you exactly where you are on your journey.
Soul Journey Sessions
{three-month 1:1 journey, online or in-person }
For three months we sit together, soul to soul. In two 60-minute sessions each month we explore the initiations that have been occurring in your life, the soul lessons you are learning and how to allow your soul voice to become your guide. We claim your soul stories as medicine and create a sacred storytelling practice of speaking them aloud.