Are you ready to step into your sovereignty?

Welcome mama, I’ve been waiting for you…

Want to know the secret to creating a deeply satisfying life?

Radical responsibility. And I know what you’re thinking, you’ve already got plenty of responsibility, why would you want more? But this, it’s about offering you sacred codes to reframe how you view your choices, your emotions, even your relationships. Not adding any tasks to your already-full to do list, but shifts in your way of BEing.

I created a powerful 15 minute meditation & workbook to take you through a 5-day journey to reclaim radical responsibility.  Consider this a gift from my soul to yours. May it be a soul catalyst, a sacred activation into radical responsibility that allows you to blossom into the fullest, most alive version of you.

It’s time to stop seeing motherhood as a reason to shrink…

As a culture, we’ve been taught that good mothers sacrifice their own ambition, set aside their deepest desires and make their children their new source of satisfaction & fulfillment. But what if our culture has it completely WRONG?

What if motherhood is actually a call to deepen our devotion to ourselves, to connect even more to our soul purpose, and to remember our unique magic?

Let me be your guide…

I’m Elizabeth. When I stumbled onto the path of soul-led motherhood, I was a stay-at-home-mom who had everything I’d ever wanted on paper, but felt numb, trapped, overwhelmed and depleted. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted, only who I was supposed to be and what I had been taught I should want.

Soul nourishment, community, and a sacred feminine mentor slowly brought me back to life. For the last several years I’ve been on a transformative inward journey of deep remembrance and rooting into my sovereignty & creating a sacred, juicy, deeply satisfying life as a result. It would be my deepest honor to guide you back to your sovereignty too…

My mission is to show you how to take radical responsibility for your life so you can feel more connected, intentional and present in every aspect of your life.

Elizabeth has been featured in:

It’s time to remember

You are sacred. You are sovereign. You are whole. You are so much more than your roles {as a partner, mother, daughter, friend} and your never-ending to-do lists.

It’s time to bring the magic back into our lives so that we can remember the fullness of who we are. It’s time to honor our soul knowing. It’s time to sit in sacred sisterhood. To bring back sacred motherhood. To create sacred lives that sparkle.

Let’s remember, together.


 how we’ll work together

a 90-minute 1:1 intensive {aka virtual ceremony-meets-strategy session} to activate you on a soul level

We start exactly where you are, deepening into the truth of who you are and all that you are carrying. We work through a process of release and reclamation, using your soul knowing as our compass & create a clear road map complete with action steps.

Gatherings with women in sacred ceremony, where we focus on dropping out of our busy lives & reconnect with our sovereignty

We use sacred tools to shut out the noise of everyday life and drop into our bodies and our soul knowing. Here, we can witness each other soul to soul, in sacred sisterhood.

Join us for the next gathering in November.

The first step is to arrive with an open heart.

Come, join me as we enter this sacred space, together. It’s time to slow down. To turn inward. To learn how to trust yourself on a cellular level.

Using sacred tools passed down for thousands of years, we can come together and remember. Remember what our grandmothers’ grandmothers knew. We can bring ancient wisdom into modern times and use it to be more present, live more fully, and come home to ourselves, our lineages, and our truth.

You do not have to prove anything here.

This is not a space where you are trying to cross any finish line faster than the next person. This is a deeply intimate turn inward. An inward journey spiraling down deeper into self to find the wisdom and divinity that was always there, waiting. This is your heroine’s journey.

Each person’s journey is different and perfect in its uniqueness. Here, you will be encouraged to follow your own perfect pace. You will be met exactly where you are, with no judgement.


What’s possible if you become

devoted to creating a deeply satisfying life?

  • More Connected

    Stepping into ceremony allows you to feel more connected to your own soul knowing and intentional with every decision.

  • More Present

    Slowing down & being in sacred space allows you to feel more present not just in the moment, but in all areas of your life.

  • More Alive

    Ceremony opens your heart and mind to the possibility that life could be so much juicer, so much more fulfilling than you can currently imagine.

Ready to reclaim your sovereignty, Mama?

Let’s connect on Instagram @elizabethsbrett


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