Life As The Ceremony

I see you.

You’ve got 273 things on your to do list & your days are so filled to the brim that you can barely squeeze in enough time to shower.

You’re so busy surviving that it’s impossible to even consider what needs to change so you can truly feel alive again. And slowing down— I mean who has time for that? But let’s assume we can create time to simply breath and be still… maybe you’re afraid that underneath all the hustle you’re deeply unsatisfied with your lovely life, even though on the surface you’ve checked off every single box that you thought would make you happy.

You’re life looks picture perfect on Instagram, so why do you still feel so hollow?

Imagine you're folding laundry AGAIN (I mean honestly, how is there SO MUCH laundry?), and instead of being resentful or mindlessly turning on the TV as a distraction, you’re using the time to be present with yourself... or on the way to pick up the kids, you choose to pause for a few minutes and reset before the chaos of afternoon through bedtime begins. Imagine being able to feel more grounded, centered and satisfied in your current life.

Or you stop waking up so exhausted, giving so much of yourself to everyone else, then going to bed drained. Instead? You wake up and smile while you’re still lying in bed, excited for your day & eager to get started. You’re able to approach all of your roles {wife, mother, coworker, friend} with more presence and a sense of sacredness.

This was my vision for you as I created Life as the Ceremony. I wanted to distill what I’ve learned from sitting in weekly ceremonies for the last 4 years into 5 key shifts that you can make to change the way you see the people, circumstances & really every aspect of your life. Not adding an tasks to your already-full to do list, but shifts in your way of BEing.

So consider this a gift from my soul to yours. May you begin to play with how you choose to see your life, step into your power & sprinkle in more delight. May you create a life filled with deep satisfaction and aliveness. May you remember who you are and what you truly want.

Pop your name and email in the boxes & a beautiful guide will be sent directly to your inbox.

I invite you to play with these four things as you begin:

:: place one hand on your heart and one hand on your womb... coming back to your body for a few moments as you begin to work with the guide

:: know that you will get out of it what you put into it, so the deeper you go with the practices and the journal prompts, the more you will receive

:: this isn’t meant to add a bunch more tasks to your to do list, instead meant to open you to considering what assumptions you’re currently living within and see if any are ready to get a makeover…

:: feel free to trust your knowing & interact with this guide in a way that feels good… maybe that’s grabbing some popcorn & binging all at once, moving through one shift per week, or jumping in with whichever one lights you up first

Hi, I’m Elizabeth. 

I’ve spent the last 4 years studying ancient sacred feminine tools that have revolutionized the way I live, the way I parent, and the way I love. I am trained in inner alchemy,  embodied divinity, guided meditation and anointing with holy oils. I am a sacred ceremonialist and a priestess, creating group and individual experiences.

My mission is to help you reconnect with your soul wisdom so you can remember who you are and feel more connected, grounded and present in every aspect of your life.