center your crown
Start your day feeling centered, sovereign and rooted into your wisdom so you can step into your day with Queen energy and create a more intentional life.
this challenge is for you if…
You’ve always wanted to start your day with a lovely ritual but just never feel motivated to actually get out of bed
You want your life to be more sacred but just don’t know where to start
You’re overwhelmed and feel like you don’t have any time for yourself.
You want to be more present and more intentional in your daily life
You usually start your day by taking care of your kids & their needs
You love the idea of reconnecting with your intuition & sovereignty so you can enter your day with Queen energy {that’s uniquely yours}
You want to remember who you are and connect with your wisdom and purpose
Center Your Crown includes
:: daily emails from me for 5 days with a juicy, magical prompt each day to reconnect you with your sovereign queen energy & make you excited to start your day {even if you’re not a morning person like me}
:: how to follow your intuition to create a ritual that is uniquely your own
:: how to stay focused and not let you kids or your phone distract you
:: why most new routines don’t work and how to make this one different
:: why we get so caught up in the fast pace of life that we forget to simply connect with ourselves & what gets lost because of this
Why I created this program…
Four years ago, I was so deep in motherhood that I’d completely lost myself. My needs were so neatly and dutifully tucked behind my children’s and my husband’s that I could even find them anymore. If you’d have asked me what I wanted for dinner or for my life the answer would be the same: “I don’t know.”
But THE thing that upgraded my life in every single area? Consistently creating time where I wasn’t needed by anyone else {even if it was just 5 or 10 minutes} to simply be with myself and listen. To reconnect to my intuition and my inner knowing, what I call my soul voice. To reconnect with my dreams, my desires, and my needs.
And, even though I LOVE sleep and am in no way a morning person, here’s what I know for sure: how I start my day has a HUGE impact on how the rest of it will unfold. If I start with time to get centered and root into my authentic power, then my day will feel more peaceful, grounded, and fulfilling. If I start by rushing to get the kids dressed, lunches made, everyone out the door for school or camp on time, and don’t even think about myself until after dropoff {if at all} then my day will feel chaotic, ungrounded, and without purpose.
I know, you may have tried to create new morning rituals before and not stuck with it, but that’s why we’re starting with a 5 day challenge. I want you to commit to doing this with me for 5 days in a row {we’ll talk about setting alarms and other ways to help make it happen} and just see how you feel. We can do anything for 5 days, right?
I can’t wait to walk you through exactly how you can create this time to Center Your Crown each morning. This one shift can set the foundation for you to be a more satisfied, more intentional and more present woman in all areas of your life. Seriously!
I’m Elizabeth, your guide in bringing you home to yourself.
In 2020, during the height of the early Covid insanity, out of sheer desperation, loneliness and knowing I needed more tools to survive, I searched for a way to be more grounded while wrangling my two small kids, husband working to save his businesses, and my own sanity.
I’ve been on an intense, very intimate inner journey since then that has revolutionized the way I live, the way I parent, and the way I love. I’ve been studying ancient sacred tools that were shoved underground for thousands of years, and are now collectively reemerging. I practice embodied divinity, inner alchemy, sacred meditation, anointing with holy oils, and create ceremonies for women to gather to explore these ancient tools. I have truly come home to myself by remembering how to listen to my soul voice and now I’m inviting you to join me on this journey of reclamation & remembrance.
My training
I’m a former TV news reporter turned stay-at-home mom turned sacred ceremonialist, priestess and soul alchemy guide with training from the 13 Moon Mystery School. I’m the temple keeper of Lavender and an anointer through Rosa Mystica, using holy oils from the Emerald Temple. I’m also a Certified Temple Guide and an archetypal mentor in the Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts. I offer in-person gatherings and 1:1 mentoring. I’m here to help you remember your innate wisdom and learn to listen to your soul voice so you, too, can return to yourself, your brilliance, and create a life that is deeply satisfying, intentional, and wildly aligned with your dreams.