Make it stand out
Sacred Playlist
Let’s bring sacred into everyday moments
Turn your mundane tasks into sacred YOU time.
Imagine you're folding laundry for the 437th time this week, and instead of being resentful or mindlessly turning on the TV as a distraction, you use those moments to reconnect to yourself... or on the way to pick up the kids, you choose to pause for a few minutes and reset before the chaos of afternoon through bedtime begins. Imagine not having to add any more tasks to your list and still being able to feel more grounded, centered and satisfied in your current life.
That's why I created this Sacred Playlist. I know exactly how busy life is & I believe adding sacred time into your life doesn't have to be dramatic or require a whole life makeover. You simply can shift what you're listening to and how you're moving through the tasks you're already doing.
I invite you to try three things as you begin to listen to this playlist, to deepen with the music:
:: place one hand on your heart and one hand on your womb... coming back to your body for a few moments as you begin to listen
:: imagine yourself as a sovereign queen, and whatever song plays next is your entrance song into your life
:: feel the music in your bones and see if there's a particular song that truly resonates with you... make it your anthem for the week & use it before date night, school pick-up, on the way to the grocery store or anytime you like just to reconnect with yourself
I’m Elizabeth.
I’ve spent the last 4 years studying ancient sacred feminine tools that have revolutionized the way I live, the way I parent, and the way I love. I am trained in inner alchemy, embodied divinity, guided meditation and anointing with holy oils. I am a sacred ceremonialist and a priestess, creating group and individual experiences.
My mission is to help you reconnect with your soul wisdom so you can remember who you are and feel more connected, grounded and present in every aspect of your life.