What is your soul saying?
Welcome to this sacred community where the currency is truth, presence and the alchemy of love.
We spend most of our lives in our minds, thinking through our days. Our culture is so focused on mental intelligence that most of us have forgotten how to feel… we have to relearn how to be in our bodies, train ourselves how to quiet our overworked minds and constantly destress from all of the overstimulation.
I believe there’s a different way. A way to feel truly, deeply alive. And it begins with forgetting all that we think we have figured out, being willing to embrace the unknown and dance with the mystery of life
See, when we have stripped away all of the importance of our thinking minds and have dropped instead into our bodies, we can awaken what I call our soul voice. That inner-compass, that deep knowing rooted in the truth of our ancestors and pulsing in every cell of our bodies. We have forgotten how to listen to ourselves, how to feel our deepest desires, how to honor the truest and most beautiful parts of ourselves.
It’s time to remember.
Your soul voice has been there all along, It’s waiting for you to open yourself to hear it.
Listening and speaking from this new place will require a radical shift. There will be disruption and discomfort. You will be challenged and initiated.
And, you will open to the possibility of living a fuller, more intentional life than you ever thought possible. One where you no longer have to accept feeling mostly dead inside, or scream in the carpool line waiting to pick up the kids because you know in your bones that THERE MUST BE MORE TO LIFE. One where you break out of the cages and rediscover your wild, beautiful self… and learn to love all the parts of yourself {even the messy, needy, jealous, pleasing, and especially the darkest parts} .
You will truly know what matters most in your life and be able to shape your life around it, because you will trust and honor yourself and your own wisdom. You will reclaim all of the parts of yourself that didn’t fit into the pretty little box that was your life. You will relish in the depth of your desire, become enraptured with your ever-expanding heart, revel in the beautiful darkness of your shadows, cry and scream at how much you carry that was not yours to begin with. You will know how to alchemize what no longer serves you. You will no longer make decisions based on shoulds, to get approval, or to avoid messiness. You will make decisions based on not disappointing yourself, on listening to your soul-knowing above all else.
This is my dream. That more women wake up to their innate power, that they honor their own wisdom and that they intentionally create a life that requires their full presence and their remembered wholeness.
Who am I?
I am Elizabeth Brett.
I’m your guide into the
Soul Voice Temple…
I am a woman liberating myself WITHIN the framework of a marriage that I have faith can withstand the earthquake caused by my shift. I am a mother untangling the words sacrifice and love… knowing that I have tried fully sacrificing myself, allowing all of my needs, wants, ambitions, even my physical health to be second, third or fourth… neatly & dutifully placed behind everyone else’s… tucked so far away that they were impossible for me to find for years.
AND YET. Despite society training me that my happiness will come from carpooling to after-school activities and filling my days with grocery lists, yoga classes and folding SO MUCH damn laundry- I KNOW IN MY BONES THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH. It cannot be. How can I settle for feeling mostly dead inside, numbly preparing another school lunch when there is a whisper that says, “You are meant to walk this life with your heart wide open, your eyes teary in wonder, your belly shaking in laughter, your womb leading the way, your thighs trembling with desire, your mind taking a back seat to your soul.”
I am coming home to myself– to all parts of myself. I am bringing with me so much love, and also grief over the parts of me that were lost, and sorrow that it has taken me SO long to return. And more love, and forgiveness, and total compassion and releasing, releasing, releasing and more releasing.
I am discovering the beauty in the ugliest parts of myself, the joy that comes on the other side of pain, the freedom from releasing a belief that’s been held in my DNA for lifetimes.
I am honoring the little girl who was so alone and misunderstood, and the teenager who rebelled because she felt unlovable. The 20 something who tried so hard but could never truly feel like she was living up to the person her family wanted her to be, the thirty-something who was convinced that marriage & kids was THE ANSWER to finding meaning… and now, the woman in her 40s with her eyes and heart wide open. In my ending is my beginning and in my beginning is my ending.
I am continually stepping into my own heroine’s journey, welcoming the inward spiral, shifting toward inner alchemy, honoring the sacred feminine, having faith in my own divinity & humanity, so that I can learn to walk AS LOVE.
I am choosing over and over to come home… home to myself. And the whisper deep within says, “Welcome! We have been waiting for you.”
And I now recognize that my feet are no longer my own, but my feet carry with them the feet of every one of the women in my lineage, walking with me each step of the way. My heart does not beat alone, it beats with the life of every ancestor within it. And my love– my love does not simply expand as far as the edges of my body, it expands beyond what I can even imagine– the love within me is not only mine, it is a love built from the souls of every woman who has come before me– a love expansive enough that I can wrap the whole globe in it. And then some. I am them, they are me. We are one. I am whole. I am love. I am home.
If you’re interested in a slightly more conventional bio:
I’m Elizabeth Brett, a recovering TV news reporter who made it to a top 10 market by the age of 30 & covered everything from Hurricane Ike to the Olympics in Torino, Italy. Once I left news I launched two businesses, the first to help women get over heartbreak and the second to help female leaders master their messaging and speak with soul about their work. I’ve been interviewed on the TODAY Show, featured on Cosmo Radio and in The Wall Street Journal. I’ve given keynotes to rooms of 500+ leaders.
And, what’s more important than any of that to me, is that it all led me here. To this moment. To you.
I’ve been on an intense, very intimate inner journey for the last three years that has revolutionized the way I live, the way I parent, and the way I love. I’ve been studying ancient sacred tools that were shoved underground for thousands of years, and are now collectively reemerging. I practice embodied divinity, guide sacred meditation, anoint myself and others with holy oils, and hold sacred space for women to gather monthly to explore these ancient sacred tools (called temple). I have truly come home to myself by remembering how to listen to my soul voice and now I’m inviting you to join me on this journey of reclamation & remembrance.
I’m a Certified Temple Guide and an archetypal mentor in the 13 Moon Mystery School under my beloved guide, Elayne Kalila Doughty of Priestess Presence and the School of Sacred Arts. And I’m here to help you remember your innate wisdom and learn to listen to your soul voice so you, too, can return to yourself, your brilliance, and your forgotten wisdom.